Highly experienced professionals in TJZ have extensive experience in all kinds of building types constructed by concrete, steel, timber and masonry. This allows us to perform comprehensive analysis and design for the building structural stability and integrity and achieve the most economical and efficient structural system compatible with the functional, aesthetic and budgetary requirements of architects / clients. A properly selected structural system with value engineering allows the client of the following advantages:
*Simplify the formwork / construction schedule;
*Allows flexibility and achieves higher ceiling height;
*Offers greater flexibility on the unit layouts for architects and users;
*Offers suitable structural base to receive light steel, brick or masonry construction requirement;
*Selection of light construction system allows lighter design loads for the floor system that in term creates smaller columns, thinner shear wall, and smaller foundation, and creating greater economy for the client.
After the efficient structural system selection, TJZ Engineers go through analysis of structural member sizes to maximize the useable space within the unit and amount of parking stalls while minimizing the transfer beams. Based on the local condition TJZ Engineers carry out the different foundation options such as spread footing, pile foundation, raft foundation on either preloaded site (if required) or on stone columns (ground improvement). This is also the most important aspect of the project where client gets the benefits of many years of experience in different geographical areas. Proper analysis and design combined with most efficient, practical, appropriate solution require not only highly skilled structural engineers but also require understanding the process of analysis, design and construction techniques. Therefore, solutions are targeted for designing structure to achieve:
*Economy and efficiency;
*Innovative ideas of client/contractors;
*Simplicity and ease of construction;
*Fast track construction techniques;
*Providing solution to the realistic dreams of architects’ to create aesthetically pleasing and environmentally acceptable building.